Begin with a solid foundation. If you're new to using Facebook to grow your business, this is your starting point.

Get started with Facebook

1. Getting Started With Facebook and Partner Measurement Solutions

Facebook measurement solutions help businesses and agencies understand their ad insights. This course will address how you can deliver accurate insights, determine what delivers the best value on and off Facebook platforms and how Facebook measurement partners can help you.

Introduction to Facebook and Partner Measurement Solutions 5 m
Measuring Audience Outcomes 5 m
Measuring Brand Outcomes 5 m
Measuring Sales Outcomes

2. Campaign Performance with Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager gives you a complete view of your ad performance across Facebook products. Explore how to navigate through Ads Manager and utilize its reporting function.

Ads Manager Overview 6 m
Dashboard Controls in Ads Manager 5 m
Ads Manager Metrics 5 m
Manage Reports in Ads Manager

3. Business Manager
Business Manager serves a one-stop shop for advertisers, agencies, publishers and Facebook Marketing Partners to manage their assets and easily share access to assets across their team and with external partners.

Introduction to Business Manager 5 m
Set Up Business Manager 10 m
Business Manager Roles

4. Use Facebook Groups to Engage Your Audience
With Facebook Groups you can create a space to build and nurture community around similar interests, topics and stories. Through this course, we'll walk through the main functions of Groups, how to create them and manage them.

What are Facebook Groups? 3 m
Create a Facebook Group 4 m
Grow and Engage Your Facebook Group 3 m
Manage your Facebook Group

5. Get Started with the Facebook Family of Apps and Services
Through this course, we'll take a brief look at the apps and services that belong to the Facebook family, and how they're used by people and businesses. These apps and services include: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network.

Introduction to the Facebook Family of Apps and Services 2 m
Introduction to Facebook 3 m
Introduction to Instagram 4 m
Introduction to Audience Network 4 m
Introduction to Messenger

6. Ad Policies for Content, Creative, and Targeting
Use this series of lessons to:

Learn why an ad may not be approved.
Familiarize yourself with the ad review process and how to appeal it.
Know what content is acceptable for your ad’s text, landing pages and more.
See examples of creative you can and can’t use.
Learn about targeting restrictions

Facebook Ad Policies and Review Process 5 m
Facebook Ad Policies: Content and Landing Page 3 m
Facebook Ad Policies: Creative 3 m
Facebook Ad Policies: Targeting

7. Promote Your Business From Your Facebook Page
Use this series of lessons to learn:

What Page promotions are and how they can benefit your business.
What types of Page promotions are available.
How to create each type of Page promotion, step by step.
How to edit, manage, measure and optimize your promotions.

Introduction To Page Promotions 5 m
Boost Your Post 5 m
Boost Your Event 5 m
Promote Your Business Locally 5 m
Promote Your Website 5 m
Promote Your Call to Action Button 5 m
Promote Your Page 5 m
Get More Leads 5 m
Edit and Manage Your Live Ads 5 m
Measure Your Promotion's Success 5 m
Optimize Your Promotions 5 m

Knowledge Check
Page Promotions Knowledge Check 5 m

8. Connect and Engage With Your Audience Using Facebook Live

Facebook Live lets you broadcast to the world in real time from your mobile devices.

Use this lesson to:

Learn what types of content you can share on Live.
Start your own broadcast, whether it's through your Facebook mobile app or the Live API.
See the different ways public figures across industries have used Facebook Live.

Finding relevant topics

Along with choosing the right format for your broadcast, finding relevant topics that your fans and followers will find interesting is important, too. The topics people talk about when they go Live can vary depending on the industry they’re in. We’ve compiled a list of ways you can use Live based on your needs and the amount of time you have to dedicate to your broadcast, whether it’s 10 minutes or up to the maximum four hours.

Click on any of the below to learn more about how to use Facebook Live for your industry. You'll see recommendations for topics you can discuss based on the amount of time you plan to broadcast.

Actors and Directors



Beauty Bloggers








Understanding Video Metrics
Knowing how your broadcast performs (like how your community has engaged with your content and for how long) will guide you on the type of content that resonates with your audience. This can help you create better, richer content for future broadcasts.

Now let's look at an overview of all the metrics you’ll have access to via Page Insights, starting with metrics available only for Live videos, followed with video metrics that are available for all video content published to Facebook.

Live-specific metrics
​Peak Live Viewers
This shows the highest number of concurrent viewers who viewed your live broadcast for at least three seconds. The curve you see in the graph shows the number of concurrent viewers watching different points of your live broadcast for at least three seconds.

2. ​Audience and Engagement
The Video Engagement graph shows you how aggregate audiences engaged at specific points during a Live broadcast. This means you can see specific points throughout your broadcast of when people were moved to react to, comment on, or share the video.
You can select a moment of interest on the engagement graph and watch the corresponding video clip. This can give you insight into what type of content resonated most with your viewers

3. Minutes viewed
This is the total number of minutes your video was watched, including replays and views less than three seconds.

4. ​Unique Viewers
This is the number of distinct people who viewed your video at least once. We’ll show you a breakdown of people who viewed your video organically and through paid media (like a boosted post).

5. ​3-second Video Views
This is the number of times your video was played for an aggregate of at least three seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. There are several video views metrics you can find, such as three seconds, ten seconds, etc. You’ll also see a breakdown of the percentage of people who viewed your video with sound on versus sound off. Time spent replaying the video for a single impression won't be included.

6. ​10-Second Video Views
This is the number of times your video was played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Similar to Video Views, we’ll show you a breakdown of the percentage of people who viewed your video with sound on versus sound off. Time spent replaying the video for a single impression won't be included.

7. ​Video Average Watch Time
This is calculated as:
Total watch time of your video / Total number of video plays (including replays)

video average watch time
If you see a point in your video with a large drop off, look at your content to understand which parts of your video might not have been as engaging to people. You can select a specific moment on the engagement graph to watch the corresponding video clip.

Note: This metric does not count live video sessions.

8. Audience and Engagement
These metrics show:

People Reached (organic and paid)
Post Engagement (including total clicks to play, reactions, comments, and shares)
Video Engagement
Top Audience*: Minutes viewed by age and gender
Top Location*: Minutes viewed by top geographic locations

Digital Cariar Growth ILH Network

Varun Kumar Yadav



varun kumar Yadev, Author CEO Coach.

Hi, I'm varunKumaryadev. I'm a graduate from chemistry honours finish 13 year-old- "i turned digital geek", a I founded Digital cariyar growth ILH Network.