Digital cariyar growth ILH Network.

Set Up Host and Moderator Roles (Admins) Digital cariyar growth ILH Network

There are two types of administrators in your Mighty Network: Hosts and Moderators.

Here’s how the admin roles break down.

Network Hosts

Network Hosts have full access to everything in Network Settings, including the ability to:

Change all branding and design options (including the Landing Page)

Turn on and off all premium network features, including Groups and Courses

Notify all members when adding a new post or using the Message All Members feature

Access all payments features, including managing the Stripe connection and seeing Income Reports

Receive notifications when content is flagged

Network Moderators are a more limited role focused on moderating members, content, and features.

These are the actions a Network Moderator can take:

Create Quick Posts, Articles, Polls & Questions, and Events if these features are enabled for Hosts and Moderators

Notify all members when adding a new Quick Post, Article, Question, Poll, or Event or using the Message All Members feature

Edit or delete posts created by other members (Moderators cannot edit posts made by Hosts)

Edit and delete comments and replies from other members

Remove or ban members, including fellow Network Moderators (but not Network Hosts)

Add, edit, and manage Topics

View Premium Analytics

Turn on and off and manage all Premium Features within Network Settings (including Groups and Courses)

Create Quick Posts, Articles, Polls & Questions, and Events if these features are enabled for Hosts and Moderators to create

Invite new members, including uploading a CSV and importing contacts

Approve requests to join

Marketing Automation

What’s inside?

In this course, you’ll discover how to create a winning marketing automation strategy. Our experts will show you case studies and best practices for segmentation, tagging and scoring, ecommerce integrations, and more.

varun kumar Yadev, Author CEO Coach.

Hi, I'm varunKumaryadev. I'm a graduate from chemistry honours finish 13 year-old- "i turned digital geek", a I founded Digital cariyar growth ILH Network.